What’s in your Body?

Body Composition and Body Fat Essentials:
Body fat is certainly the most variable and essential body constituent. Just like other components-water, proteins, minerals and others- body fat is very necessary. However, only the optimal amounts are beneficial to the body with the excess amounts posing many health implications.
Body fat constitutes of the essential fat; the fat in the bone marrows, the heart, lungs, kidneys spleen and the lipid rich tissues in the central nervous system. Accumulated fat in the adipose tissue is called the storage fat. Storage fat is stored in the internal organs directly under the skin. Essential fat is necessary in maintaining the normal body functioning with the storage fat serving as a protective and insulation layer. Levels of essential fat are higher in women than in men as it includes the sex-characteristic fat directly related to child bearing.
The BMI uses both height and weight of to determine a number correlating to the estimate of a person’s body fatness. This measure can be used to evaluate the health risk based on the person’s BMI although it is not a very accurate measure. (Calcule your BMI here)
Excess body fat is associated with many health problems. Research has shown that the instances of obesity are on the rise occasioned by changing lifestyles. The condition results in many psychological, respiratory, urological, musculoskeletal and heart related problems. Body and organ functionality is greatly slowed with the ultimate result being death in extreme conditions.
The high levels of fat pose great risks to women by causing hormonal imbalances. Overweight women have higher levels of male hormones raising the risks of heart diseases alongside causing male pattern balding, acne and excess facial hair.
Excess weight greatly affects insulin levels and functionality in the body thereby leading to diabetes. It is important to note that having diabetes increases the risk of getting a serious heart disease. Heart attack and diabetes are the common problems of obesity. Slowed heart activity due to reduced pumping action will also lead to heart attack.
Moreover, excess body weight bears large effects on the lower body. Bone thinning or osteoporosis is brought about by the excess weight which in turn leads to back and hip problems for the woman. Sleep Apnea is another problem that threatens the life of an overweight person. This condition makes one unable to breath during the night times resulting to reduced oxygen levels. This in itself may lead to stroke.

Maintenance of a good body composition is essential with the main question being how does one maintain it effectively? Proper diet and lifestyle change is a key way in achieving this. Taking of a well balanced diet with low fat levels will highly reduce the dangers of obesity. However this is not enough exercising and sporting activities will greatly solve the problem
Regular exercising helps in burning the fat through the conversion of the excess fat into energy which is then lost in the activities. As a result, healthy living is achieved.
Conclusively, it is important to partake in proper nutrition measures and exercising to evade dangers of obesity.
Want to know your body composition? Here are some Body Composition Analyzers
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Learn more about Belly Fat Here
If you are looking for a Body Composition Analyzer, Check this Page: http://blog.healthyfood.help/body-composition-analyzer/
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